Monday, October 25, 2010

Rat race: count me out!

To this date, I'm still not out from THE  famous rat race. Almost two years back, fresh from graduation, all I impulsively  wanted was to get a job (not that it's hard to get one considering my course), pay the bills, travel, help my family in whatever way I can, and shop! It's been almost two years since I got that. Then, I started getting tired of the mundane cycle, this rat race. I started wanting to not just work so I can pay bills (btw, my family was still helping me pay my OWN bills back in Manila) , not just drag myself out the bed, so I can save for an upcoming vacation. I started getting dissatisfied with being able to help my family with JUST any way I can, I want to help them get out of the rat race; the same way that I'm longing to be free from it also. I want to be financially free! Being rich and having more than enough money is not bad, as what most of us are accustomed to think, it is actually the LACK of it which makes it awful. It is nice to be able to donate school supplies to less fortunate kids because we have enough or a little extra moolah, but would it not be way nicer if we are able to send a child to school and train him to be financially literate? Someone with just enough or a little extra will not be able to do that easily than someone who is financially free. As I speak, my thirst for  financial freedom is just growing by the minute. I have so many BIG WHYS why I want to be one. You might doze off if i'd enumerate all of them here. My point is, it's not bad to want to be rich, to have that money just so we can help others more and better; it's the lack of it.Let's dream, act and grow. Think of your WHYS to fuel your desire in becoming financially free. Once you have those, the HOWS may just come in handy, if not, the pre-requisites in being able to think of HOWs no matter how challenging they may be, may just begin pouring like rain in the middle of a drought. 


  1. Alright, Jeps! Coooool start! :D

  2. Hello darling,

    Welcome to the blogosphere! I totally agree about how yearning for financial freedom isn't bad at all. Most of us, if not everyone, do wanna get out of the rat race and pursue our true passions. Will pray you achieve this. Go us! Aja! and oh, for the meantime, we can always sponsor a child in world vision ;D
